New Whelk Management Measures
Following a public consultation last year (2017) which sought views on the future management of Whelk Fisheries in Wales, the Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs (Lesley Griffiths) has announced a package of statutory measures that will ensure the sustainable fishing of whelks in Welsh Waters.
The new management measures will come into force in Spring 2019 and will include:
- A phased increase in the size at which whelks in Welsh Waters can be retained on board and landed from 45 to 55mm from the date the order comes into force, increasing to 65mm a year from the date the order comes into force.
- A cap on the quantity of whelks that can be retained and landed from Welsh Waters of 20 tonnes per vessel per month in January – September (inclusive). This will be applicable to all vessels fishing in Welsh Waters.
- A cap on the quantity of whelks that can be retained and landed from Welsh Waters of 5 tonnes per vessel per month in October – December (inclusive ). This will be applicable to all vessels fishing in Welsh Waters. This will add protection of the whelk stocks during the biologically sensitive life history period (brooding/spawning).
This package of measures has been developed in conjunction with key stakeholders ensuring adequate long-term protection of Welsh Whelk Stocks and the long term sustainability of the whelk fishery and the communities it supports.